速報APP / 攝影 / Video GIF converter

Video GIF converter



檔案大小:40.9 MB


版本需求:macOS 10.12 或以上版本,64 位元處理器

Video GIF converter(圖1)-速報App

A handy and powerful video to gif converter!

[Key Feature]

1. Base on FFmpeg, support all popular video formats.

2. Powerful and accurate video clips selection, you won't miss any wonderful moment.

3. Support video image crop, users can eliminate useless part of the video frame to reduce gif file size greatly.

4. Support high quality conversion, output GIF has no quality loss.

5. Support custom GIF image size, FPS

6. Support iCloud sync.

7. Embed ffplay video player, right click video snapshot can play video from its timestamp.


1. How to crop part of video frame?

Answer:please follow the steps below:

1) In "Screenshot&crop" window, use mouse to draw the rectangle you want to crop in screenshot , and click "set crop rectangle"

2) In the main interface, choose the convert rule and click the "convert" button to create the cropped Gif

3) To clear crop selection, in "Screenshot&crop" window, click "clear crop"

2. How to select video clip?

Answer: There are 5 way to select video clips:

1) Drag the time slides

2) Change the start&end time text field, and press ENTER key

3) Click start&end time text field and click the steppers to change each field

Video GIF converter(圖2)-速報App

4) Click the start&end screenshot, it will jump to the correspond timestamp

5) From the menu or use shortcuts.

3. Why sometimes conversion fail?

Answer: Please clear or reset the target folder and try again.

4. How to reduce the converted gif file size?

Answer: please try these below:

1) Choose low image quality in convert rule

2) Set small image size in convert rule

3) Set lower FPS in convert rule

4) Crop the needed image in video frame

5. How to use the embed FFplay?

A:the embed ffplay is a powerful and efficient video player.

1) Left/Right Arrow: Move Backward/Forward

2) Q key: quit the player

3) S: Step frame

4) Space key: Pause replay

5) Mouse right click: Video jump to the click point

Please goole "FFPlay" for more more shortcuts


This App use binaries from FFMpeg binary, thanks very much to the great FFMpeg project and

Video GIF converter(圖3)-速報App

the developers for the great job!